How To Clean and Look After Your UGG Boots

How To Clean and Look After Your UGG Boots

You’ve finally accepted UGG boots are back in style. Or maybe you’ve been silently advocating their release from fashion jail since you got a pair back in the early 2000s. 


However your journey started, you’ve landed here in search of answers. Answers on how to clean your hotly debated UGG boots. 

And we’re here to deliver. Below are a couple of different ways you can keep your UGG boots like new from the comfort of your own home.

Woman wears her white Shearer UGG boots.


How to clean the outside of your UGG boots

Although the epitome of comfort, the iconic sheepskin boots need to be treated with the utmost care to ensure their longevity and appearance. Sheepskin is an incredibly durable material, made to withstand the elements. However, once soaked with water or exposed to heat (think hair dryers), there is the possibility of the material being ruined beyond repair. 

With the not-so-dry weather of late, getting your UGG boots wet or dirtied with other liquids can be an incredibly easy task. But fret not, there are ways of cleaning the stains without damaging your precious shoes. 

And in case you’re wondering ‘how can I wash my UGG boots in the washing machine,’ you CAN’T. Whilst synthetic furs can potentially be thrown in the wash, authentic sheepskin will be damaged beyond repair if surrendered to the cycle of a machine. 

Women wearing her UGG boots with a cup of tea and her pet dog, all on a couch.


Water stains 

  1. Using a clean sponge/cloth dipped in cold water, rub the boots all over until it is evenly wet.
  2. Stuff the boot with a dry, preferably white towel to help it retain its shape as it air dries overnight.

Caution: do NOT soak the boots in water or attempt to dry them with any other method. Doing so can cause irreparable damage to the sheepskin.

Liquid stains (eg. mud, oil)

  1. Using plain white chalk, baby powder or even corn flour, gently rub it onto the stained area and leave overnight. 
  2. Lightly buff the excess chalk/powder with a suede brush (a nail brush or toothbrush is also fine!)
  3. You may need to repeat this process a couple of times, depending on the severity of the stain.

How to clean the inside of your UGG boots

The A-Grade Merino wool utilised in the boots have soft, hollow fibres that play an essential role in stabilising body temperature in various climates, wicking away any moisture and resisting odour from your feet. 

However, if for some reason your UGG boots are smelling less than pleasant or the insides appear stained, you can easily clean them at home!

The inside of the UGG boots are depicted.


Cleaning the inner boot

  1. If this is a routine cleanse, use a damp cloth to gently scrub the inner sheepskin layer and allow it to air dry for 24-48 hours. Being patient here will pay off!
  2. For something a little more heavy-duty, use a mild soap that is both colourless and odourless with a damp cloth and do the same as above!

Getting rid of odours

  1. Sprinkle some baking soda inside your UGG boots and leave it overnight.
  2. Empty it out in the morning.
  3. If desired, use the UGG Shoe Renew after each wear to keep the insoles nice and fresh.

UGG boot care kit

If you’re worried about your boots and refuse to use non-specialist products for fear of ruining them, consider purchasing an UGG Boot Care Kit

The kit has everything you need to easily and safely clean your beloved UGG boots, including:

  • A Sheepskin Shampoo with conditioner 
  • A Water & Oil Repellent 
  • A Multi-Purpose Foam cleaning sponge 

UGG Boots Care Kit


Are UGG boots waterproof?

While many Shearer UGG boots are water resistant, they are NOT 100% waterproof. Before the sheepskin is used in the boots, the hides are treated with a 3M water-resistant protector. Although this is quite good, you can further your shoes’ defence against the elements with an Oil & Water Repellent from the above care kit. 

TLDR: cleaning UGG boots is easy!

No matter what the weather or decade, UGG boots are spotted on everyone and everywhere, from celebs to students, sunny beaches in Australia to the snow-piled streets in New York. 

But continuous wear requires adequate care and cleaning to help extend the boot’s lifespan as much as possible. And remember, when it comes to UGG boots, washing machines, hot water and harsh detergents are a no-go. 

Stay tuned for our next article aiming to get you prepared for our upcoming Black Friday Sale! 

Keep up with our socials in the meantime: Shearers UGG Instagram
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